Monday, April 7, 2008

My random thoughts about quizzes and strange ads on myspace

There is a quiz you can take on the website, myspace titled: Are you fat?

Do you really think if a person is fat they DON'T KNOW IT? Do I really need to take a test to prove if it were a NEW revelation if it tells me I'm fat?

I can hear the infomercial testimonial now....with tears and smeared mascara:

"What changed my life was the "Are you fat" quiz from myspace. It really opened my eyes and showed me that I was indeed...body mass challenged, and I needed to do something. If it wasn't for myspace....and let's face it, I had a lot of SPACE, I would now not only be in MYSPACE, but I would also be in YOURSPACE, and HISPACE, and HERSPACE....."

"Myspace Quizzes brought to you by Jolly Ranchers. May your space always be myspace." (said with the announcers voice from Sponge Bob Square Pants)


HisBeloved said...

My gosh woman, you are just too funny for words! I adore you!

HisBeloved said...

My gosh woman, you are just too funny for words! I adore you!

Angel said...

Thanks, Sandie. It's just those idiotic quizzes that cause one to stop and go...."What were they thinking...."