Today I sent a letter to a friend who also has a child on the autism spectrum. I just needed to type my thoughts, frustrations, fears...and in the midst the Lord reminded me of something I wrote back in 2006 and was urged to share it with you.
Section taken from THE TRUE INTIMACY OF BECOMING A WATER WALKER All Rights Reserved.
For weeks I have wrestled with how to write about the topic of being a "water walker". How do I share my thoughts about something that "seems" so simple…in words, yet so difficult in action? To be a "water walker" means to be a person who is willing to step out of ones comfort zone in faith, getting your feet wet, and trusting that God will not let you drown. Easy in theory, but fearful when you come to the edge of the boat and your feet are trailing in the waves.
His name was Peter. One of the disciples, later to be called an Apostle of Christ. He was one who was quick with his mouth to speak and to act. He was "energy". One evening he along with the rest of the 12 sat in a boat until the early morning. They were unable to get back to the shore because of the waves. Out of the midst they saw something. It looked like a ghost and they were afraid, until they heard a familiar voice. It was Jesus, telling them not to fear. As the words echoed in the midst, Peter was quick to reply, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." Peter, the man of no fear.
When Jesus said, "Come", Peter made his way to the edge of the boat. I am sure his adrenaline was running high as his feet dangled over the edge of the boat, resting on the unsettling waves, getting ready to walk to the Lord.
Peter knew whom he was walking to. He knew in whom he trusted. So he left the comfort zone of the boat and ventured onto the sea.
What happened next is what happens to us in life. Peter's eyes became distracted with the wind and he looked away and began to sink. How many times are we walking with the Lord, keeping our eyes on Him, trusting in Him and then we are blindsided with something? Something financial, relational, or even physical. Whatever it is, the "wind" distracts us and we sink. But here is the really wonderful part.
Listen to what Peter does in Matthew 14, verse 30, "Lord, save me!" He immediately turns back to Jesus, his safety, seeks rescue, and "immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him."
To be a "water walker" takes a lot of practice getting your feet wet. We don't come by it naturally. If I can encourage you to begin your journey on the water with one verse it would be these words from Matthew 14:30b, "immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him."
You see, even in the midst of being blindsided, if you but look back to your security in Christ you will find His hands open to catch you. Are you being challenged to step out in faith in your job, with something financially, in a relationship? Don't be afraid to get your feet wet.
Intimate moment with Christ
Proverbs 4:25 "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you."
· Where is your gaze today?
· Where are you in regards to your location to the "boat"?
Father, I want to be a water walker for You. Please give me the courage to walk out on the raging sea, trusting that You are there before me. And, when the winds blow, remind me to keep my eyes fixed on You.
Author: Angel S. Thompson
Copyright Year: © 2006
Published by Unleashing Potential Ministries
All Rights Reserved.
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