Our four year old really asks some of the most interesting questions. She is asking questions that our son has never asked and it has been interesting and an adventure having a typical child. I love their differences and how God made them both so unique with a hidden ability to point one to the throne of Grace.
One question she asked was,
“Mommy, do dogs take cat naps?” We still laugh about that question. However she asked me something a few weeks ago that every typical kids asks…yet, it wasn't the fact that I actually heard a typical “why” question, it was Joshua’s answer and her response that caused me to stop.
We were driving to Wooster for Joshua’s weekly therapy when Faith asked,
“Mommy, why is the sky blue.” As I began to explain “why” the sky was blue….Joshua quickly said,
“Sissy, Jesus made it that way.” She looked at him and said,
“Oh, okay.”There was no questioning, no need for “science” to explain why. They both have come to understand who Jesus is and how He has been and continues to be active in their lives. All it to

ok was saying,
“Jesus made it that way”, and she was satisfied. After all, this is the same Lord she asks me to pray to when she is scared, not feeling well, or when we travel. It is the same Lord she sings praises to and lists “Thank you’s” to at night before she drifts off to sleep…He is the same Lord that, just the other night, she shared with us is the one who died on the cross and forgives us.
Sometimes as we get older, for some reason, we lose the “understanding” of who Christ is, who Go

d is. Or, maybe we just never grasped the truth that our children seem to discover, abide in and cling to. My prayer for my children and what I continue to learn everyday is knowing Christ. Really grasping, discovering, understanding, having it deep within the heart and wearing it in your head.
(heart and head knowledge) That in the darkest moments, the valleys they walk through…that they will cling to the truths of His character. That in the moments of mountain tops and joyous flight that they remember the truths of His character. That in those moments they will always be in praise of Him…with no need of proof, but just remembering that it is all because of Jesus.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 Hence, the sky is blue because Jesus made it that way.
And with that….she walks with her hand in HIS...under the blue sky.
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