Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dandelions On The Windowsill

Does every mother dream of their child bringing them a bouquet of dandelions? I know I do. When we found out we were pregnant with Joshua, my heart leapt. I thought of many things with this precious one….one thing I looked forward too was having a window sill filled with Dandelions in the summer. Waiting for the day when the first dandelion sprouts and watching it plucked and given to me as a treasure.

I remember how our dreams blew away when we heard of Joshua’s diagnosis of Autism along with the “dandelion seeds” as they blew into the air to spout elsewhere.

I love how God moves in our lives. I have found that just as He gathers our tears, He has a unique way of gathering the wind that holds our desires. This week and today the dandelion seeds made there way to our house and onto our windowsill from an incredible treasure given to us 6 years ago who finds joy in the smallest details of life. Today he watched a bee gathering “nectar” from the dandelions. “I’m just watching them get the “honey” from the flower”, he said.

We often look at Dandelions as a nuisance, in the way, everywhere…as if they are ruining the “value” of our “home”. So we cut them down and weed them out.

In our life, our community, our world there is a field “white unto harvest”….or can I say, “yellow for the picking”. Often times I think we have placed such a barrier around our own “house” with a desire for the “outward appearance”, that it possibly becomes far to easy to forget that there are hurting people walking past us, with us, looking at us….reaching out for “water” and desiring to know where we found the “window sill” of hope that brings light and life. (John 8:12) God has placed all around us a field of “Dandelions”, a field where we once lived and His windowsill is waiting for our “harvest”. (Matthew 9:37,38) Will you venture out and walk amongst the “field blanketed with dandelions” and bring them to HIM?

1 Corinthians 3:9 "For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

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