Sunday, February 14, 2010

Through JT's eyes

A view of the world from the other side of the camera of a boy who lives with Autism everyday.

Joshua, you are my hero.

This is his movie of Shark Chaos.

Joshua has always been fascinated with camera's. So much so he took possession of our video camera.

I generally get motion sick when I things move quickly, yet his video and how he perceives the world at this time in his life...well, I have found it interesting, enlightening and eye opening. As he watched his finished movie he stood with a smile...stimming as he watched it. He was beaming with accomplishment.

Father, as I sit daily with Joshua and the fears that have entered his life lately and how You have given him Your WORDS to decrease those fears...we continue to thank you for his Autism. Continue molding us as his parents.

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