Monday, October 5, 2009

Pigeon holed...the forgotten....GO!

The pigeon holed, the forgotten, we are blinded by what we see. Not by shear sight, but by choice and they are dying right before you…and me.

I cannot sleep. I don’t know if it is the physical pain I am in or the pain that is seeping from the very recesses of my soul and heart.

I know that people “use” the system. I know that people buy what they want and beg for what they need. I know people “use others” to gain and remain in their own pit…and yet there is this one phrase within a commission given to all of us who say we are followers of Christ. Not even a phrase but a word…GO! Go therefore into all the world…..

Don’t you find it interesting that He did not say, BRING THEM TO THE CHURCH. WAIT FOR THEM TO COME. HAVE A GREAT PROGRAM AND THEY WILL…..

Today my job sent me on an interesting journey…one where I found myself along with a colleague driving through a park…not filled with swings and sand boxes. It was filled with trailers that did not even resemble anything livable. Many did not have sides, the insulation was exposed. When glanced you could see a family inside. Another did not have windows and inside were lights and pictures…another family trying to survive. “Home” after “home” we drove by in search of a family we had a call on. We both have

seen worse, but today hit me hard as it did her.

A “park” filled with the forgotten, those we have pigeon holed as “users” of the system where we say if they want they need to come to us and then, maybe we will help.

What if it were me?

I called Matt and asked if we could do a mobile soup kitchen. We currently have this ministry that meets at the church, yet as I looked at these “homes” knowing that there are more than 47 kids who live there….many without transportation my heart heard the word GO! It wasn’t WAIT FOR THEM TO COME BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE FACILITY.

How can we show people the Christ, the Savior, the Lord, the GOD of second chances if we continue to pigeon hole them, close our eyes to them and wait for them to come?!

If my memory serves me…CHRIST WENT TO THEM…He walked right up to the woman at the well. He walked up to the adulterous woman. He walked up to the tax collector. He walked up to the hungry, bleeding, poor, sick, desperate, suicidal, homicidal, lost, in search of meaning, drug addict, alcoholic, user… He walked up to….me and He walked up to you.

We are called to be His Ambassadors of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)

The pigeon holed, the forgotten, we are blinded by what we see. Not by shear sight, but by choice and they are dying right before you…and me.

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