I strive everyday to let my kids know how much they mean to me, and how much they mean to Christ. Every morning on our way to school I talk with them about who they are. I usually begin with, “Can I tell you something?” or “Can I tell you a secret?”

Today Faithy caused me to laugh and then engulf her in my arms. I looked at her and asked the question, “Can I tell you something?” Before the question mark had ended my sentence she rolled her eyes with a smile and said, “Here comes the speech again.”
It is obvious to me that I have shared this “speech” with her more than once, yet she never tires of hearing it…unless people are around or she notices that I have noticed she has done something incredible.
As I look over and see her “working” on the computer beside me all I can think of is how humbled I am. I am not the perfect mommy. I just pray that I can reflect Him everyday, and when I make mistakes that I remember His grace…the same message…or rather speech I share with her every day.
She has started to ask questions about Jesus on the Cross. Tonight as Joshua watched Bibleman they prayed at the end with the kids who wanted to accept the gift of Jesus. He prayed with them. I look forward to talking with him about that prayer and what it meant to him and if he understood.
Humbled am I....
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