Maybe my soap boxing today is because of my childhood experiences and deep memories. Maybe it is because there is something more hidden in some forms of entertainment. Maybe it is because I am a mother who desperately wants my children to know the ONE TRUE GOD...and to know the truth about His saving grace and the battle we are in and how it can be disguised in many forms. Maybe.....

Harry Potter is about witchcraft. Oh sure, it tries to play off as “good against evil”, but it is about witchcraft. Written very well, exciting…cannot put it down material.
Many say, “it’s just a book”. “It’s just literature.”
There was a man I dated before Matt. He shared with me that he only watched movies for the producers and directors, that the “sex” in them did not phase him, he was only watching because of the “creativity”. Yeah….he struggles with pornography today. "But Angel, it’s only a movie….it’s only a book…."
Okay, what am I driving at? There is a new movie coming out this Christmas. I had received

Just the name sounds awesome, doesn’t it. The music score is impressive. (I am a lover of music, orchestra music….anything musical that I can sit and hear each part playing. I simply lose myself in the movement of notes) The art work…even the website is very alluring and impressive….captivating.

Did you know this movie is anit-God? It is the first of a trilogy of literature. Which means if they make one movie from this book trilogy, they will make 2 more.
Here are words from a review of an unknown source as well as some descriptive words from the GOLDEN COMPASS website:
Here's a description of some of the movie characters copied directly from the movie site - -

Daemon (pronounced DEE-mon)
The soul of each individual human being embodied in an animal familiar. In childhood, a daemon alters its form to reflect the ever-changing nature of children. In adulthood, it assumes a permanent form that best reflects the inner nature of its human.
The Magisterium (supposedly representing the church)
The councils that form the heart of government in Lyra's world. Now tightening its control over the populace, the Magisterium seeks to eliminate free will and calls Lord Asriel's research into Dust heresy.
One commentary from an unknown source:
Our daughter received this book from her grandmother, who had read about it in the New York Times, where it got rave reviews. I read this book, the first in a hooks you right from the start and pulls you into a fast paced, fascinating story where it is hard to know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys and if it is proor against Christianity. It is not until the final book of the series where it is abundantly and sickeningly clear how evil and destructive the entire series is. I can tell you that this book is mesmerizing and will pull in many, many children, and families will have no idea what their kids are reading. In the end, there is an apocalyptic battle,against God...and God's forces...God is some weak sleeping non-entity and the church and all connected to it are sinister. I forbid my child to read any more. She didn't understand why and felt she could separate out her beliefs from the book. I told her no. It's just evil and I don't want you reading it. A good read...can be a very bad thing. I can't imagine the damage this evil story will be doing as a movie.
Okay, before you say…Angel, it’s just a movie…read these words:
Proverbs 4:23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Philippians 4:7
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Timothy 6:20
“…guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge…”
Proverbs 22:5
“In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.”
The enemy…Satan is very surreptitious…very sneaky and clever, seeking to "snatch".
The councils that form the heart of government in Lyra's world. Now tightening its control over the populace, the Magisterium seeks to eliminate free will and calls Lord Asriel's research into Dust heresy.
One commentary from an unknown source:
Our daughter received this book from her grandmother, who had read about it in the New York Times, where it got rave reviews. I read this book, the first in a hooks you right from the start and pulls you into a fast paced, fascinating story where it is hard to know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys and if it is proor against Christianity. It is not until the final book of the series where it is abundantly and sickeningly clear how evil and destructive the entire series is. I can tell you that this book is mesmerizing and will pull in many, many children, and families will have no idea what their kids are reading. In the end, there is an apocalyptic battle,against God...and God's forces...God is some weak sleeping non-entity and the church and all connected to it are sinister. I forbid my child to read any more. She didn't understand why and felt she could separate out her beliefs from the book. I told her no. It's just evil and I don't want you reading it. A good read...can be a very bad thing. I can't imagine the damage this evil story will be doing as a movie.
Okay, before you say…Angel, it’s just a movie…read these words:
Proverbs 4:23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Philippians 4:7
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Timothy 6:20
“…guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge…”
Proverbs 22:5
“In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.”
The enemy…Satan is very surreptitious…very sneaky and clever, seeking to "snatch".
1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
It’s more than a movie. The enemy will stop at nothing to pull you away…it may even come in the form of entertainment.
Okay, I am now off my soap box for today. Just some thoughts before the Christmas holiday arrives….wow, the holiday, the time of year we celebrate Christ’s coming. The same time this movie will be released. Interesting timing, don’t you think.
May we stand firm as we follow Christ.
Okay, I am now off my soap box for today. Just some thoughts before the Christmas holiday arrives….wow, the holiday, the time of year we celebrate Christ’s coming. The same time this movie will be released. Interesting timing, don’t you think.
May we stand firm as we follow Christ.
I do know this...
It is okay to reflect on the "maybes" of life.
Maybe I will find I'm not alone on my box after all.
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