Saturday, March 19, 2011

OASIS: The End of a Season

So, 7 years ago Matt and I began this crazy journey with an incredible ministry we began after our son was diagnosed with Autism. We have met some really amazing people. We have met some unique people, and we love them all. We have gained friends, and some have had their children go on to Jesus before us all. We have cried together and laughed as we shared victories of our kids.

7 years of reaching out to many communities in OHIO, across the USA and over 50 countries. We have met some really great ladies who happen to be authors. We have become friends with incredilbe Adults who not only understand the Spectrum, but happen to have an ASD and they are an inspiration.

The person on this earth that inspiries me the most is the one who moved our hearts to begin this ministry, and that is Joshua. He has this incredilbe, contagious smile and laugh. He also has a passion for people to understand Autism and know Jesus.

Our lives in the Thompson family began to take a twist and turn as Joshua contracted Scarlet Fever which lead to PANDAS D/O It has taken over his life and yet he ventures through. Another twist arrived with my beloved needing OPEN HEART surgery to replace his aortic valve.

So, here we sit 7 years later, the last health issues hitting us this past year and I find that I cannot be more than who I am. I am not wonder woman. I cannot travel as I did before which leads to our ground root chapter in Wooster. My dear families and friends in Wayne County and surrounding. I have searched for over 2 years to provide a director for this chapter and there is no one. Many who have passion, but they have lives as well, and OASIS was Matt's and My passion. It is with a sad heart that I share that our OASIS chapter will come to an end as I cannot travel as our family is in need of me being rested and not stretched so thin.

However, if someone were to contact me and say, "HEY....I WILL", then yeah! As of now, however, the Wooster Chapter is finished.

There is a great group in Wooster: HAND TO HAND. This is ran by Mark & Mindy Simms. They have many families with an ASD, and there son also has Aspergers. Please go and attend. Here is their email: Melinda_Simms/ ,,

We will maintain our website for resources. At this time we do have a group in Geneva. However, this may be changing as well to an online VIDEO AND LIVE feed.

We do have an event coming up and those funds will continue to go for helping families with tangible items and the piece party we are moving towards....bringing something physical to our families than just "talk".

Again, thank you for all your years with us.

Please call if you are in need of someone to advocate for you or for consults...we will continue to provide those needs.


Angel Thompson

"Mommy of two incredible kids who inspire me everyday in my walk with Christ!"

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