Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SC3 @ GCC....yes, shameless advertising!

I am pumped! I know, it is only May and I am already pumped for summer. Okay, you maybe thinking because of the great sun, biking by the lake, cook outs….yet I am pumped because for 3 days, we at GCC are going to do something unique to reach the kids for Christ in our church and in our community. Instead of doing a traditional VBS, we have decided to have a 3-day Sport Camp.

Why you ask? Why when everyone else is doing the VBS programs that are filling the Christian Book Stores? Why when, from the past, we “know” that tradition works?

If there is one thing I have learned from being a missionary it this simple thought, “just because it has worked before doesn’t mean it is the ultimate “cookie cutter” for all people.”

Let me quote a stat from Outreach Magazine:
90% of Americans either watch, read or participate in some sports-related activity once a month. More than 70% are involved in sports once a week.

Does that answer any of the “why’s”? What a unique opportunity and venue to reach kids. 3, 2 hour days packed with God truths and principles for life wrapped around soccer skills, puppets, challenges, prizes….Yeah…I’m pumped!

So, here’s a quick shout out to anyone from GCC: Come and be part of our GCC TEAM to share the “gaming principles of Christ” with some incredible kids in our community.

One more shout out to all my Grace PEEPS! If you know of anyone that plays on the Grace College Soccer Team that would love to give 3, 2 hour days in June to show some kids their soccer skills and love for Christ….drop me an email!

Our kids will not leave the field the same and I guarantee, neither will you!

Dates: June 10, 11, 12
Who: Kids 5 yrs - 5th grade
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Location: Geneva Church of Christ.

Hey, if parents register their kids on line and they COME…the first 15 get a soccer ball!

See you at the net!

(Hey, if you have a strange desire to donate shin guards for us to give away...)


Unknown said...

I love it great idea. I know the kids will leave the field different.

Angel said...

Thanks, Tiff! I am so pumped about this!!!!! Can you tell!?
Impacting kids lives for eternity...can truly be FUN!

Penny said...

Sounds like so much fun! Would love to sign Karlee up if it's not too far away. She loves Soccer and she loves Jesus-she would have a blast!!

Go! You Danderous Woman!!

Angel said...

hey penny. she would be a 2 hour is in geneva.