Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tent Pegs and Canvas...a day of ramble

I have never been a lover of change, and yet I married a man who thrives on it. My things stay in the spot I place them. My books go back in the spot I pulled them from. During our first year of marriage Matt wanted to change the house around every week. We finally came to a compromise of changing it every 6 months. Our son arrived and once he was diagnosed with Autism the word “change”…changed.

Even though our son is not a lover of change (just like his mommy), and it takes him months to transition, I am amazed at how he lives and faces change.

When you surrender your life to Christ….one who never changes…have you found out that things are in a state of constant….change? I would venture to say that today we live our lives with “TENT PEGS” in our back pockets, that I married a man who loves the smell of canvas and since my decision to follow Jesus back in 1987, I have inherited the same love and so has our son and I pray for that love to enter our daughter as well.

Okay, canvas has thrown you, hasn’t it? The Israelites lived in tents…traveled where God led them and they would put down their tent pegs and raise their tents and CAMP there. Claim it there, be there, explore there, engage there, look for opportunities there, glean there, worship there…JOIN HIM THERE.

The moment I forget the smell of canvas or that I have pegs in my back pocket is the moment that I become stagnant and complacent. I want to be ready at any given moment for a God encounter when He is saying…”Look, did you see that…go!” Or, “Listen, did you hear that…bask in it, lavish here with me…” “Join ME!”

Tent pegs and canvas does not mean “moving” in the literal sense. It represents the opening of your heart, mind, soul and strength to be totally HIS, that if He but whisper you would begin to unfurl your tent somewhere to join Him. What that looks like is between you and Him.

My son has been learning about the “tent pegs and canvas” as he shares his love for Jesus with everyone he meets. Just yesterday he asked the Dunkin Donut girl if she could hear his JESUS music.
(Penny, he loves it when I say, O hear O Joshua…)

When I have to literally pull up my tent pegs I feel a bit like Paul. Mind you I did not have to walk miles or sail for weeks or months, yet my heart aches when I have to leave those that I have shared hearts with to encourage, equip, build up….

For those I came to visit and with in a moment of wind had to leave…I give you the words Paul gave Philemon and know that my heart is ever drawn to each of you.

“I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother (sister), have refreshed the hearts of the saints.”


Kim said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Angel said...

Thanks, Kim.
Daily learning to embrace it all!